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Typical treatment for Lyme Disease

Once someone has been diagnosed with Lyme Disease the standard treatment is two to four weeks of oral antibiotic usually covered by health insurance providers.  This treatment protocol is more successful the closer it is administered to the infection date and becomes less effective the farther away from initial infection date.  Ideally, if you have the antibiotic within 12 days of the initial tick bite, it is said to be most effective. The longer someone has been infected by a tick, the more difficult it is to reduce the spirochete load that has multiplied in the human body. 

Typical antibiotics given orally do not penetrate deep enough to eliminate or significantly reduce the spirochete count.  Sadly, chronic Lyme disease is not recognized and any additional treatment for Lyme disease or co-infections is not covered by typical health insurance.  People experiencing Chronic Lyme disease and other co-infections symptoms need to seek treatment outside of the traditional medical system. This can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate the different treatment options and a significant financial burden related to these treatments.